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PO Research » Postdoctoral Investigator Christoph Renkl

Postdoctoral Investigator Christoph Renkl

Christoph Renkl, Postdoctoral Investigator, joins WHOI’s PO Department.  Christoph earned his PhD in Oceanography from Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada.  Christoph’s research interests are climate variability, predictability, and change; interactions across scales and sub-systems (e.g., ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere); combining observations with statistical and numerical models.  Currently, Christoph is working with Hyodae Seo on better understanding the effects of ocean-atmosphere feedbacks on the California coastal climate using a coupled regional modeling approach.  In his spare time, Christoph enjoys spending time outdoors (running, hiking, and camping), dabbling in photography, and baking fresh sourdough bread.