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PO Research / Welcome Postdoctoral Fellow Nina Whitney

Welcome Postdoctoral Fellow Nina Whitney

Nina Whitney, Postdoctoral Fellow, joins WHOI’s PO Department.  Nina earned her PhD in Geology and Environmental Science from Iowa State University.  Her research interests are Holocene Paleoclimate and Paleoceanography; high-resolution marine reconstructions; marine proxy development; sclerochronology; isotope marine proxies; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation reconstructions; and Gulf of Maine climate change.  While at WHOI, Nina will be working with Dr. Caroline Ummenhofer’s lab, focusing on reconstructing ocean conditions (temperature, nutrient cycling, ocean circulation) and specifically Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability along the western North Atlantic shelf over the last millennium.  This work will involve a combination of isotope analyses of coral and clam shell specimens and high-resolution, hindcast ocean simulations. In her free time, Nina enjoys cross-country skiing, horseback riding, hiking, and playing the celtic harp.  Photo provided by Nina Whitney.