Kirincich, A., & Emery, B., 2023. Revisiting HF ground wave propagation losses over the ocean: A comparison of long‐term observations and models. Radio Science.
Understanding variations in the received power levels for land-based high frequency radar systems is critical to advancing radar-based estimates of winds and waves. We use a long-term record of one-way high frequency radar power observations to explore the key factors controlling propagation losses over the ocean. The coastal ocean offshore of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, MA showing the relative positions of the transmit location (LPWR) and the two receive locations (ASIT and NWTP) located at 7 and 45 km away. The observed LPWR TX beam pattern, measured with a spectrum analyzer via beach-based survey, is shown to illustrate the relative magnitude of transmit power along the axis of the receiver transect. (Image provided by Anthony Kirincich)