WHOI in the News
Outrage over dead fish in Flushing Creek
Queens Chronicle
quotes Guest Investigator, James Cervino
Himalayan origins of the mystic river Saraswati
Research Matters
Fisherman lands Obama fish lookalike
Martha's Vineyard Times
mentions Dave Bailey and WHOI
Ocean oxygen depletion could happen again
quotes Sune Nielsen
Concert Will Feature Ancient Bone Flute
WCAI - Living Lab
features Jelle Atema
WHOI Scientist Recognized for Distinguished Research
features Andone Lavery
WHOI Scientists Unveil New Robot to Speed Ocean Sampling
feaures Mak Saito, Mike Jakuba and AUV Clio
Andone C. Lavery Selected As 2017 Recipient Of The Walter Munk Award
features Andone Lavery
Study estimates oxygen loss in ancient global ocean
features Chad Ostrander (summer student fellow) and Sune Nielsen
It was a feeding frenzy of shark information
Martha's Vineyard Times
mentions WHOI
New technique offers clues to measure the deoxygenation of the ocean
Science Daily
features Sune Nielsen
Re-envisioning Underwater Imaging with Revolutionary New System
Ocean News & Technology
ran the WHOI news release on the Advanced Imaging and Visualization Lab. Quotes Bill Lange and Tim Shank
Unprecedented Antarctic expedition maps sea ice to solve climate change mystery
quotes Ted Maksym, Hanu Singh
DunkWorks Seeks To Promote Innovation In Marine Robotics
Falmouth Enterprise
quotes Leslie McGee
Penguin tail feathers reveal secrets of where they swim for food
New Scientist
mentions WHOI and former postdoc Mike Polito
Bizarro Life-Forms Inhabiting Deep-Sea Vents May Be at Risk
Scientific American
mentions Tim Shank and WHOI
Right Whales are dying
Newstalk 1010 with Jerry Agar
features Mark Baumgartner
Margaret Tivey Appointed as Vice President and Dean at WHOI
Hydro International
pick-up of WHOI news release
WHOI Selects New President and Dean for Academic Programs
Shark Research Booming as Great Whites Summer Near Vineyard
The Vineyard Gazette
mentions WHOI and SharkCam
Fukushima Nuclear Waste Could Be Dumped in Pacific Ocean
The Epoch Times
quotes Ken Buesseler and mentions WHOI
Fishing for DNA
Martha's Vineyard Times
features Jesse Ausubel
Exploring Earth’s Inner Space in a Submarine
Duke Today
mentions Jefferson Grau, HOV Alvin, AUV Sentry and R/V Atlantis
From computation to the ocean, a scientist finds his fit
Science Magazine
features Mark Baumgartner