WHOI in the News
Drilling Deeper Into Ocean Floor in Search for Origins of Life
The Wall Street Journal
NC coast new home for complex ocean-observing system
Excess Nutrients Lead to Dramatic Ecosystem Changes in Cape Cod’s Waquoit Bay
Environmental News Network
New technology tries to protect whales
CBS Mornings
OOI‘s Pioneer Array Relocating to Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight
Marine Technology
Drilling Deeper Into Ocean Floor in Search for Origins of Life
The Wall Street Journal
Nearly a year after ‘catastrophic’ cliff walk collapse, Newport hopes to rebuild path where it is
Boston Globe
Newly released video shows Titanic wreckage before decades of deterioration
The Today Show
Rare video of 1986 dive in Titantic wreckage to be released
Boston Globe
The other risk from the East Palestine disaster
The Washington Post
What we know — and don’t know — about offshore wind and whale deaths
Boston Globe
What is vinyl chloride, the chemical released from the East Palestine train cars?
Pittsburg Post Gazette
Slow Zone for Ocean City Boaters Recommended After Right Whales Detection
A whale veterinary scientist describes the plight of whales in unsparing detail
Press Herald
The sounds of science
LA Times
The deepest south: New Bedford students chat with researcher in Antarctica
South Coast Today
Bacterium may help answer mystery of ‘missing’ plastic in the seas
Chemistry World
The ocean twilight zone could store vast amounts of carbon captured from the atmosphere – but first we need an internet of deep ocean sensors to track the effects
The Conversation
Cape Cod shark research: Local scientists helping teachers bring great white research into the classroom
Boston Herald
One Planet: We are all whalers — The plight of whales and our responsibility
Beach Erosion In Falmouth: Who’s At The Wheel?
The Enterprise
Dead whales and tough economics bedevil Biden’s massive wind energy push
Washington Post
The Mystery of the Healthy Coral Reef
Coral Species That Withstand Ocean Warming Identified
Environmental News Network