WHOI in the News
Submariner Adm. Richardson Picked As Next CNO
mentions MIT/WHOI Joint Program alum Adm. John Richardson
Lethal Seas A unique coral garden in Papua New Guinea shows what the future may hold as oceans acidify
episode features WHOI scientists Anne Cohen, Scott Doney, Dan McCorkle and Gareth Lawson
Nauset Estuary and Town Cove closed to shellfishing
mentions WHOI
Gulf of Maine red tide bloom expected to be similar to past three years
mentions WHOI
Drones tested to find way through thick Antarctic sea ice
features Ted Maksym
Feds: Gulf of Maine red tide will be similar to recent years
reprint of Associated Press article
also ran in: Albuquerue Journal, WABI Channel 5 and Seacoastonline.com
Adrian Grenier Says His Quest for the Lonely Whale is a Lot Like Moby Dick
mentions WHOI
New tool to help secure scallops
quotes Scott Doney and mentions WHOI
Engineers Bring Cognitive Capabilities to Robots
mentions WHOI
Underwater Robots Determine Their Own Paths
mentions WHOI
New underwater robot from MIT engineers plans its own missions
mentions WHOI
Underwater robots to plan missions autonomously
mentions WHOI
Undersea Robots Plan Missions Autonomously
mentions WHOI
New Models Help Scallop Fisheries Adapt to Climate Change
quotes Scott Doney and mentions WHOI
Researchers look to change current scallop management plan
mentions WHOI
MIT Develops Autonomous Mission-Planning System for Underwater Robots
mentions WHOI
Listening for whales and fish in the Northwest Atlantic ocean
mentions WHOI
Geologist Jeff Karson Publishes Book on Oceanic Abyss
mentions WHOI scientists Dan Fornari and Tim Shank as co-authors of:
Discovering the Deep:
A Photographic Atlas of the Seafloor and Ocean Crust
Researchers Looking to Secure Future of Sea Scallop Fishery
mentions WHOI
DAVID SUZUKI: Citizens amplify knowledge about the natural world
mentions Ken Buesseler and WHOI
also ran in the Epoch Times
MIT-developed system allows robots to plan underwater missions autonomously
mentions WHOI
California Drought Leaves Biopharma Thirsty for Answers
mentions Kevin Anchukaitis and WHOI
Analysis of Internal Waves in the Earth’s Oceans Could Help Improve Global Climate Models
quotes Tim Duda and mentions WHOI
Engineers hand “cognitive” control to underwater robots
MIT news release mentions WHOI
also picked up by R&D Magazine and Environmental News Network