WHOI in the News
Falmouth Educators Recognized
mentions projects with Rebecca Gast
Advanced Manufacturing: Marine Robotics And Other High-Tech Add To The Cape’s Economy
mentions WHOI
Jellyfish Make Their Spring Appearance
quotes Mary Carman
BP Starts To Settle After Nasty Oil-Spill Related Deaths
quotes Chris Reddy and mentions WHOI
New environmental film festival celebrates the films of Jacques Perrin
mentions Jesse Ausubel and WHOI
Study reveals how rivers regulate global carbon cycle
quotes Valier Galy
mentions Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Tim Eglinton
Revealing the ocean’s hidden fertilizer
quotes Ben Van Mooy and mentions WHOI
The Ocean’s Hidden Fertilizer – Marine Plants Play Major Role in Phosphorus Cycling
quotes Ben Van Mooy and mentions WHOI
UW’s Deborah Kelley publishes atlas of seafloor volcanoes and deep-ocean life
mentions Dan Fornari and Tim Shank
also reprinted in Phys.org
Searching the Ocean for Solutions to Antibiotic Resistance
interview with Kristen Whalen
Nitrogen scientist to be honored at Buzzards Bay Coalition meeting
mentions WHOI
Ocean’s hidden fertilizer: Marine plants play major role in phosphorus cycling
ran the WHOI news release
Tepco May Need to Dump Fukushima Water Into Sea, UN Says
quotes Ken Buesseler
In Arctic Drilling Debate, A Dispute Over Cleanup Preparedness
interview with Chris Reddy
How Rivers Bury Carbon at Sea
features Valier Galy, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, and Timothy Eglinton
Mysterious form of phosphorus explained
quotes Ben Van Mooy
Ocean’s hidden fertilizer revealed
ran the WHOI news release
How Rivers Regulate Global Carbon Cycle
features Valier Galy, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, and Timothy Eglinton
Nomination for Next CNO Announced
mentions MIT/WHOI Joint Program alum Adm. John Richardson
Study Estimates Quantity and Form of Organic Carbon Exported by Rivers to the Ocean
reprint of WHOI news release featuring Valier Galy, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Tim Eglinton
Gulf of Maine Algal Blooms Extent Predicted Similar to Last Three Years
mentions WHOI
Navy’s top nuke likely the next CNO
mentions MIT/WHOI Joint Program alum Adm. John Richardson
How rivers regulate global carbon cycle
reprint of WHOI news release featuring Valier Galy, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Tim Eglinton
Palau’s Improbably Healthy Coral Reefs
features Anne Cohen and Hannah Barkley