WHOI in the News
Oceanfront Real Property Owners Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Plains All American Pipeline Over Santa Barbara Oil Spill
mentions WHOI
Ancient Greek ‘Antikythera’ Shipwreck Still Holds Secrets
quotes Brendan Foley and mentions WHOI
Tar balls on Los Angeles-area beach linked to Santa Barbara oil spill
mentions WHOI
Why the author of ‘Jaws’ wished he never wrote it
quotes Simon Thorrold and mentions WHOI
Refugio Residue Reaches Manhattan Beach
mentions WHOI
Exceptional view of deep Arctic Ocean methane seeps
mentions WHOI
Some tarballs on L.A. County beaches came from Santa Barbara oil spill
mentions WHOI
Τhe Μystery of the Antikythera Shipwreck Further Unfolds
mentions WHOI
Mainers keep lookout in wake of shark reports
mentions WHOI
Arctic Ocean rapidly becoming more corrosive to marine species
quotes Scott Doney and mentions WHOI
Will Discovery Channel’s Shark Week continue to swim in strange waters?
mentions Amy Kukulya and Roger Stokey
Water’s origin story, science and sci-fi and more reader feedback
mentions Sune Nielsen and WHOI
Increased Arctic Acidity May Impact Marine Animals
quotes Scott Doney and mentions WHOI
U.S. fishing industry should brace for a stiff economic jolt from climate change — studies
quotes Glen Gawarkiewicz and mentions WHOI
Arctic water may be acidic enough to dissolve shells by 2030
quotes Scott Doney and mentions WHOI
Vita: Mary Sears
mentions Mary Sears, Henry Bigelow and WHOI
Accelerated warming of the continental shelf off northeast coast
quotes Glen Gawariewicz and Magdalena Andres
mentions Steve Lentz and future MIT-WHOI Joint Program Student, Jacob Forsyth
also ran in Science Daily and Newsroom America
Panel votes to re-open parts of Georges Bank
quotes Mike Sissenwine and mentions WHOI
Making Organic Molecules in Hydrothermal Vents in the Absence of Life
quotes Jill McDermott, Jeff Seewald, and Chris German
New study shows Arctic Ocean rapidly becoming more corrosive to marine species
quotes Scott Doney and mentions WHOI
Acidification takes toll on Beaufort Sea; threats loom in Chukchi and Bering
mentions WHOI
New study shows Arctic Ocean rapidly becoming more corrosive to marine species
quotes Scott Donet and mentions WHOI
New Book Highlights ‘the Stars of the Sea Floor’
features Tim Shank
Coral reefs defy ocean acidification odds in Palau
quotes Hannah Barkley and Anne Cohen