WHOI in the News
The Robots That Dare to Explore Antarctica’s Frozen Ocean
quotes Ted Maksym
mentions WHOI
Great White Shark ‘Deep Blue – Biggest Ever – Surfaces Again
mentions WHOI
Bigelow Makes Appearance In Woods Hole
mentions WHOI
IIT Bhubaneswar to set up Ocean Observatory
Mentions WHOI’s association with a memorandum of understanding to establish the Bay of Bengal Coastal Ocean observatory in Odisha as a national facility.
Research priorities for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science
quotes Robert Weller and mentions WHOI
What to do if you see a shark in the water
Indirectly quotes Simon Thorrold and WHOI.
New report recommends research priorities for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science
Quotes Robert Weller and WHOI.
A Handy New Use for Drones: Collecting Whale Snot
Quotes Michael Moore and WHOI.
Allied Marine deck machinery for Navy research vessels
mentions R/V Neil Armstrong and WHOI
Whale Drone Demonstration: Flying for Snotty Research
Quotes Michael Moore and WHOI.
Locals say flounder are coming back
Quotes Michael Moore and WHOI.
An Oceanographer Explains How Plane Debris Could Solve The Mystery Of MH370
Quotes David Gallo and WHOI.
Science Friday with Fiamma Straneo
Tune in to Science Friday today at 2:30 to hear Fiamma Straneo on the air — live from the waters off Greenland. (Link may take a few moments to load)
Allied Marine Crane Outfits R/V Neil Armstrong
mentions R/V Neil Armstrong and WHOI
Malaysian Airlines Mystery: Newfound Wing Debris Is from MH370
Quotes David Gallo and WHOI.
Boom & bust in the Great White North
Quotes Rubao Ji and WHOI.
Allied Marine Crane Outfits R/V Neil Armstrong
U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research selects WHOI to operate the new Neil Armstrong vessel.
MH370: What’s next in the investigation?
Quotes David Gallo and WHOI.
WHOI, NOAA Scientists Team Up with Drone to Monitor Whales
Study: Subtle climate shifts boost Galapagos penguins
quotes Kristopher Karnauskas
Drone zooms through humpback whale breath
quotes Michael Moore
Drone flies through whales’ spouts to sample their breath
quotes Michael Moore and mentions WHOI
Galapagos penguin numbers recovering with shifts in trade winds and ocean currents
quotes Kristopher Karnauskas
New study traces the fate of carbon stored in thawing Arctic soils
reprint of WHOI news release on the work of Valier Galy