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WHOI in the News

Why are birds and seals starving in a Bering Sea full of fish?

Seattle Times

Federal and university scientists are trying to better understand why some birds and marine mammals have been unable to find enough food, and whether toxic algae blooms — increasing as the water warms — could have contributed or caused some of the die-offs.

Scientists blast Maine lobstermen’s whale safety stance

Cape Cod Times

“Reducing entanglement in East Coast waters of the United States is a critical part of a comprehensive strategy for right whale survival and recovery,” Scott Kraus, chief scientist for marine mammals at New England Aquarium’s Anderson Center for Ocean Life, and Mark Baumgartner, associate scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and chairman of the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, said in a letter Tuesday to Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

WHOI Researcher Testing Thermal Cameras to Detect Whale

An increase in vessel traffic through the Gulf Islands in British Columbia, Canada is making whales more vulnerable to ship strikes, and researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are testing new technology to detect the presence of the marine mammals.