WHOI in the News
The ‘dragon-skin’ ice in Antarctica researchers warn is a sign of ‘dark chaos’ in the planet’s frozen oceans
Daily Mail
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The Robots That Dare to Explore Antarctica’s Frozen Ocean
quotes Ted Maksym
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New Study Says Frozen Fjords Hold 11% of Oceanic Carbon
mentions WHOI
Volcano space robots are prepping for a wild mission to Jupiter
Wired UK
To build machines capable of plunging into the frozen oceans on Europa and Enceladus, Nasa tested out submersibles in one of Earth’s most inhospitable environments
Experiments Reveal How Permafrost Carbon Becomes Carbon Dioxide
Eos - Earth and Space Science News
Permafrost has been frozen for far longer than humans have been on the planet. That’s a good thing because permafrost contains over a trillion metric tons of organic carbon deposited by generations of plants, and all that carbon remains locked up when it’s frozen. “But now, because of human activity, it’s starting to thaw,” said Collin P. Ward, an aquatic geochemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Mass. “The big concern here is what’s going to happen to all of that organic carbon.”