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Resilient Woods Hole releases new, interactive tools to prepare for climate change

February 18, 2022

Woods Hole, MA — ResilientWoodsHole (RWH), a public-private initiative led by local science institutions, today released new, interactive website tools to further engage the local community in its collective goal of securing a climate-resilient future for the coastal village of Woods Hole. An updated website,, provides status updates, news coverage and reports on these efforts. A new stakeholder survey, for individuals to learn more about how they can offer input, is now on the website. 

Also new are three interactive maps for public engagement. Each map highlights a different aspect of Woods Hole: Important Features, Adaptation and Vision, and Flooding Risk. People can click on any of these three maps and input comments and suggestions in each of these key areas.    

Links to both the survey and interactive maps can be found on the RWH website. 

A recent public workshop held by RWH engaged more than 100 local community members in a dialogue about coastal flooding risks, identified village flood pathways and vulnerabilities, and discussed long-term adaptation strategies. 

“Building on the success of our first visioning workshop, it is clear that the future of Woods Hole as a seaside community, blue economy driver, and home to world renowned ocean research organizations, lies collectively in our hands,” said Leslie-Anne McGee, manager of ResilientWoodsHole and a project manager at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. “Working with the community, it is our goal to prepare for sea-level rise and increasing extreme weather events, and jointly develop solutions.”

This effort is funded through the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)’s Coastal Resilience Grant Program and matching funds from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Marine Biological Laboratory, and NOAA Fisheries.


ResilientWoodsHole is a private-public initiative to ensure that the vibrant and productive village of Woods Hole prospers well into the future with the advent of major climate impacts. Led by a collaboration between Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), and NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NOAA Fisheries), the initiative also includes local stakeholders, including the business, residential and science communities. The Town of Falmouth, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), and the Woods Hole Group are active partners in ResilientWoodsHole.