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PO Research / Postdoctoral Investigator Nihar Paul

Postdoctoral Investigator Nihar Paul

Nihar PaulNihar Paul, Postdoctoral Investigator, joins WHOI’s PO Department.  Nihar earned his PhD in Climate Science from the Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India.  Nihar’s research interests include dynamics of mesoscale eddies, non-linear dynamics, air-sea interaction processes, submesoscale flows, shallow-water equation, rotating and stratified turbulence, and ocean-modeling.  He is currently with Amala Mahadevan’s group researching submesoscale flows and internal waves, advection-diffusion, and dispersion in geophysical flow – these areas would be ventured into using the process study simulations using observations obtained from the CALYPSO field campaign.  Nihar is a music enthusiast interested in Indian and western classical, folk and country genres of music. He also likes to play football and is interested in hiking.