How the Ocean Works
Specks in the Spectrometer
Mass spectrometer facilities can be a rite of passage for scientists—as well as for the samples analyzed inside the mass specs.
Carbon Cycle
Carbon is a building block for all life and plays a key role in regulating…
Earth’s Riverine Bloodstream
Like blood in our arteries in our body, water in rivers carry chemical signals that…
Ice, Wind & Fury
Greenlanders are well away of piteraqs, the hazardous torrents of cold air that sweep down…
Leaf Wax: A Chemical Journey
Lake Titicaca in the Andes Mountains of South America is an extraordinary place to explore…
Tracking a Trail of Carbon
Lake Titicaca in the Andes Mountains of South America is an extraordinary place to explore…
An Appetite Stimulant for Bacteria in the Ocean
PUAs kick bacteria’s metabolism and CO2 respiration rates into hyperdrive—ike skinny weightlifters after a steroid…
Short-circuiting the Biological Pump
The ocean has been sucking up the heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) building up in our…
Coral Crusader
Graduate student Hannah Barkley is on a mission to investigate how warming ocean temperatures, ocean…
Scientists Find Trigger That Cracks Lakes
Graduate student Laura Stevens became a focal point of a research team that cracked a…
Hidden Battles on the Reefs
A new study led by WHOI scientists shows how changing ocean conditions can combine to…
Bringing a Lab to the Seafloor
Scientists can't really know if new oceanographic instruments will really work until they try them…
The Waves Within the Waves
If the 30-foot wave we were looking for had tumbled across the ocean’s surface that…
The Jetyak
Oceanographers are always looking for cost-effective vehicles to help them explore risky regions. Scientists at…
From Lab to Sea
Scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution share their field-tested experience, training graduate students on methods…
Big Questions About Tiny Bacteria
It’s 3 a.m., and Jesse McNichol is struggling to stay awake. Since midafternoon, he’s been…
Is Ocean Acidification Affecting Squid?
The rise in carbon dioxide in the ocean from fossil-fuel burning may have insidious impacts…
Sea Science in the Space Age
South Asian monsoons bring huge amounts of fresh water into the Bay of Bengal. Summer…
Swimming in Low-pH Seas
Researchers knew that squid raised in acidified water developed abnormal balance organs. To find out…
Scallops Under Stress
Like other marine species, scallops face multiple climate change-related problems. Summer Student Fellow Cailan Sugano…
Proteomics Reveals Ocean’s Inner Workings
In a new study, WHOI scientists have demonstrated how the emerging biomedical technique of measuring…
A Mooring in Iceberg Alley
WHOI scientists knowingly put a mooring in a fjord filled with icebergs near the terminus…
A Drop in the Ocean
How can you follow a wisp of water within the turbulent immensity of the ocean?…
Uncovering the Ocean’s Biological Pump
Dan Ohnemus clearly remembers the highlight of his fourth-grade class in Bourne, Mass. He and…