Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events
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1 event,
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Density Layering in Rotating Stratified Turbulence
Cécile Le Dizes, Toulouse Institute of Fluid Mechanics Sponsored by: WHOI GFD Program - Walsh Cottage
2 events,
Special MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Tracing Earth’s Ancient Oxygenation and Modern Hydrothermal Activities with Novel Metal Isotope Proxies
Special MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Tracing Earth’s Ancient Oxygenation and Modern Hydrothermal Activities with Novel Metal Isotope Proxies
Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Carriage House Andrew Heard, Agouron Institute This will be a hybrid seminar held in Carriage House. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/s/91566819805 Passcode: 552623
2 events,
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Title to be announced
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Title to be announced
Malcolm Scully, WHOI Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 507
3 events,
MBL Seminar: Living with White Sharks
MBL Seminar: Living with White Sharks
Greg Skomal, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Sponsored by: MBL - Cornelia Clapp Auditorium
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Environmental Drivers of Coccolithophore Growth in the Southern Ocean
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Environmental Drivers of Coccolithophore Growth in the Southern Ocean
Hilde Oliver, WHOI Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference Room. If you wish to join virtually, you can…
4 events,
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar
Cetacean Research Efforts in the Galápagos Daniela Alarcón, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, UNC-Chapel Hill, & Galapagos Science Center Galápagos and the Plastic Problem: Impacts and Health Metrics on Unique…
Special MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Biosphere Forensics with Oxygen Isotopes
Special MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Biosphere Forensics with Oxygen Isotopes
Kevin Sutherland, Harvard University Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can access…
Geodynamics Seminar: Future Missions to Ocean Worlds: Landing on Ice and Accessing Oceans
Geodynamics Seminar: Future Missions to Ocean Worlds: Landing on Ice and Accessing Oceans
Kevin Hand, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Sponsored by: Academic Program Office & Office of the Deputy Director & Vice President for Science & Engineering - Clark 507
3 events,
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Wingsail Design Methodology and Performance Evaluation Metrics for Autonomous Sailing
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Wingsail Design Methodology and Performance Evaluation Metrics for Autonomous Sailing
Blake Ian Barry Cole, MIT-WHOI Joint Program Sponsored by: Academic Programs Office - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://mit.zoom.us/j/2806321514?pwd=d2VTVXd3YmN5TllRTDF5cEpPUjlHdz09&omn=96746819425 Meeting ID: 280 632 1514 Passcode: SailUSV
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Coupled Cycling of Metals with Nitrogen and Carbon in Marine Sediments
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Coupled Cycling of Metals with Nitrogen and Carbon in Marine Sediments
Jennifer Karolewski, MIT-WHOI Joint Program Sponsored by: Academic Programs Office This will be a virtual seminar. To join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/6076503298
2 events,
The WHFF series “Dinner & A Movie” continues on Saturday, May 4 with the feature documentary THE ALLIANCE by Amanda Jean Kowalski, preceded by the short documentary THE ARCTIC HALOCLINE by Amy Lauren. “Dinner…
2 events,
Special MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Mountain High, Valley Low, River Wide: Biogeochemical Insights Into the Relationship Between Weathering and Climate
Special MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Mountain High, Valley Low, River Wide: Biogeochemical Insights Into the Relationship Between Weathering and Climate
Preston Kemeny, University of Chicago Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Carriage House This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/94496798064
3 events,
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Assessing the Impact of Domoic Acid Exposure on the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Brain Across Life Stages
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: Assessing the Impact of Domoic Acid Exposure on the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Brain Across Life Stages
Alia Shifa Hidayat, MIT-WHOI Joint Program Sponsored by: Academic Programs Office - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually,…
Physical Oceanography Virtual Department Seminar: The Relative Roles of Coastal and Local Forcing on Fjord Exchange Flow
Physical Oceanography Virtual Department Seminar: The Relative Roles of Coastal and Local Forcing on Fjord Exchange Flow
Robert Sanchez, Scripps Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department
2 events,
AOP&E and Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: The Nexus of Oceans and Human Health
AOP&E and Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: The Nexus of Oceans and Human Health
John Stegeman, WHOI Co-sponsored by: AOP&E and Biology Departments - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium . If you wish to join virtually, you…
3 events,
The Challenger Conversations: Art & Data Visualisation
The Challenger Conversations: Art & Data Visualisation
Nipam Patel, MBL Director Sponsored by: MBL This will be a virtual event. To join virtually, please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7e9A9wOPSp-WvxNyjFHFrA#/registration
Biology Department Virtual Seminar: Physiological and Ecological Consequences of High Hydrostatic Pressure for Deep-Sea Fishes
Biology Department Virtual Seminar: Physiological and Ecological Consequences of High Hydrostatic Pressure for Deep-Sea Fishes
Mackenzie Gerringer, State University of New York at Geneseo Sponsored by: Biology Department This will be a virtual seminar. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom…
3 events,
G&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Probing the Hydration State of Deep Lithosphere: Insights from Arcs and Mid-Ocean Ridges
G&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Probing the Hydration State of Deep Lithosphere: Insights from Arcs and Mid-Ocean Ridges
Ben Urann, WHOI Sponsored by: G&G Department - Clark 237 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 237. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the…
Special Biology Department Seminar: There and Back Again: A Wildlife Pathologist’s Tale
Special Biology Department Seminar: There and Back Again: A Wildlife Pathologist’s Tale
Laura Bourque, Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Sponsored by: Biology Department - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you…
3 events,
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: The Production and Fate of Fats from Phytoplankton in the Ocean
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: The Production and Fate of Fats from Phytoplankton in the Ocean
Benjamin Van Mooy, WHOI Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can access…
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Coastal Upwelling Revisited: How Do Nutrients Make Their Way to the Surface?
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Coastal Upwelling Revisited: How Do Nutrients Make Their Way to the Surface?
Xiaozhou Ruan, Boston University Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 201 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 201. If you wish to join virtually, you can…
3 events,
G&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Subduction Through the Lens of Arc Geochemistry
G&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Subduction Through the Lens of Arc Geochemistry
Stephen Tuner, University of Massachusetts Amherst Sponsored by: G&G Department - Clark 237 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 237. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/95174306277?pwd=WUtjNVNyNDFDY0NHQUdGVDBRNmpXZz09Meeting ID: 951 7430 6277 Passcode: .0W6nR
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: A New Autonomous Profiling (infiniTE™) Float to Enable Fast Sampling and New Sensors
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: A New Autonomous Profiling (infiniTE™) Float to Enable Fast Sampling and New Sensors
Yi Chao, Seatrec, Inc. Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference Room. If you wish to join virtually, you…
2 events,
MBL Falmouth Forum: Regeneration of Complex Tissues: Axolotls Lead the Way, Can We Follow?
MBL Falmouth Forum: Regeneration of Complex Tissues: Axolotls Lead the Way, Can We Follow?
Karen Echeverri, Marine Biological Laboratory This will be a hybrid seminar held in the Cornelia Clapp Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can register here: https://mbl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lWD-Or28QiiLtIFM6MOV_Q#/registration The Falmouth Forum is supported by the Falmouth Forum Endowment, the Bakalar Endowed Director's Discretionary Fund, and The Falmouth Fund of The Cape Cod Foundation
2 events,
The WHFF 2023-24 “Dinner & A Movie” series concludes on Saturday, May 18 with the narrative feature EARLYBIRD by Martin Kaszubowski and starring Cape Cod’s own Joshua Koopman. “Dinner & A Movie”…
2 events,
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: On the Non-Microbial Sources and Sinks of Dissolved Metabolites in Seawater
Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Thesis: On the Non-Microbial Sources and Sinks of Dissolved Metabolites in Seawater
Noah P. Germolus, MIT-WHOI Joint Program Sponsored by: Academic Programs Office - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pf-2trj4pH9CGwe6B8bhDAOW_yC6Q09B1 Meeting ID: 994 8450 5354 Passcode: P@nd0ra
4 events,
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Isotopic Techniques for Disentangling Sources and Degradation Pathways of Marine Organic Matter
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Isotopic Techniques for Disentangling Sources and Degradation Pathways of Marine Organic Matter
Hilary Close, University of Miami Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Carriage House This will be a hybrid seminar held in Carriage House . If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/91408176560
Special MBL Hybrid Seminar: Landscape Painting for Beginners: DNA Information-Keeping and Nonlinear Encodin
Special MBL Hybrid Seminar: Landscape Painting for Beginners: DNA Information-Keeping and Nonlinear Encodin
Joe Davis, Harvard Medical School Sponsored by: MBL Logan Science Program - Speck Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Speck Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the link here: https://mbl.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=8783f2d7-31ef-423d-acda-b16b0112a031
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Eddy-Induced Air-Sea Coupling in Momentum and Heat Budgets
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Eddy-Induced Air-Sea Coupling in Momentum and Heat Budgets
Yanxu Chen, WHOI Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 201
3 events,
On Wednesday, May 22 at 7:30 p.m., join WHOI’s Julie Huber, marine microbiologist & senior scientist; WHOI’s Heidi Sosik, plankton ecologist & senior scientist; and WHOI’s Nina Yang, biological oceanographer & postdoctoral investigator, for a virtual event titled: “Small but Mighty: Microscopic Marine Life and its Outsized Role in the Ocean.” Microbes and plankton may…
2 events,
Biology Department Seminar: Selectively Breeding Heat-Tolerant Sugar Kelp for Resilient Aquaculture
Biology Department Seminar: Selectively Breeding Heat-Tolerant Sugar Kelp for Resilient Aquaculture
Sara T. Gonzalez, WHOI Sponsored by: Biology Department This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/97000865816 Meeting ID: 970 0086 5816 Dial in: Find your local number: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/u/adIvMow3LQ
3 events,
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: How Much Does Ice Volume Contribute to the Glacial Terminations? –Reinterpreting the Sawtooth Climatic Cycles of the Late Pleistocene
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: How Much Does Ice Volume Contribute to the Glacial Terminations? –Reinterpreting the Sawtooth Climatic Cycles of the Late Pleistocene
Weimin Si, Brown University Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/91408176560
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Can We Predict “Incoherent Internal Tides” in the Global Oceans?
Physical Oceanography Department Seminar: Can We Predict “Incoherent Internal Tides” in the Global Oceans?
Yadidya Badarvada, University of Michigan Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 201
2 events,
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Solutions to Muddy (Geoacoustic Inversion) Problems
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Solutions to Muddy (Geoacoustic Inversion) Problems
Julien Bonnel, WHOI Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference Room. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/97634745714 Meeting ID: 976 3474 5714 Dial in: 646 558 8656
2 events,
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: Genetic Diagnostics for Rapid Detection of Domoic Acid-Producing Pseudo-Nitzschia Species
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: Genetic Diagnostics for Rapid Detection of Domoic Acid-Producing Pseudo-Nitzschia Species
Shelly Wanamaker, Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute Sponsored by: Biology Department - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/97000865816 Meeting ID: 970 0086 5816 By phone: Find your local number: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/u/adIvMow3LQ