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Upcoming Events
Geodynamics Seminar Series
Geodynamic Seminar Series: Ice Cores and Paleo History of Antarctica
Sarah Shackleton, WHOI Sponsored by: DDVPSE - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom…
Geodynamic Seminar Series: Icy Inverts: A look at the Recent Evolutionary History of Antarctic Marine Inverts as Revealed by Genomics
Ken Halanych, University of North Carolina Wilmington Sponsored by: DDVPSE - Clark 507
Geodynamic Seminar Series: Southern Ocean Dynamics and Global Exchange
Speaker to be announced Sponsored by: DDVPSE - Clark 507
Geodynamic Seminar Series: Long-Term Change In Zooplankton Communities
Deborah Steinberg, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Sponsored by: DDVPSE - Clark 507