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July 19, 2022 @ 12:00 am - August 24, 2022 @ 12:00 am

The library will be featuring a “Pop Up Book Sale” on their front lawn again this summer, much to the delight of book lovers around the town. Every day, during open library hours, volunteers, including many Library Board members will literally pop up a tent and supply it with books that have been donated to the library specifically for sale. All the prices are reasonable, most are $2 for hardbacks and $1 for paperbacks. For more information, visit the library’s website at, email a question to or call the library at (508) 548-8961. The library’s summer Community Art Exhibit and Auction is well underway! This year’s medium is sheet music. Many creative community members have been given unlimited access to the library’s cache of unwanted sheet music with one directive: create something! All items are currently on display in the library and will remain on display until the close of the online auction on Monday morning, August 15. People are encouraged to visit the exhibit whenever the library is open, but they can also see images of all the pieces on the library’s website  To place a bid in the online auction and win a piece of Woods Hole creativity, people should visit the library’s website.  All proceeds from the auction will benefit the library, so it is hoped that people will bid generously! Author B J Atwood-Fukuda will read from her fiction at the library on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. It will be her ninth annual Woods Hole reading, featuring several short pieces and/or excerpts from longer ones. B J’s work appears in, among other places, the anthologies “Great American Prose Poems from Poe to the Present” and “Free Radicals: American Poets Before Their First Books”. Free and open to the public. For more information, call the library at 508-548-8961 or visit the website at Over the past six years, the library’s Social Justice Book Club has read a fascinating list of books. They have all been interesting, informative, often upsetting, and always stimulating. This year they have selected two interesting and important books to begin their seventh summer: As always, the group is led by long-time summer resident Ruth Gainer. New people are welcome. So far, the group has chosen two books. As always, the library will have several copies on hand for people to borrow. On August 17 at 7:00 p.m., they will discuss Our History Is Our Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance by Nick Estes. The book tells a spellbinding story of the ten-month Indigenous resistance at Standing Rock in 2016, animating the lives and characters of the leaders and organizers, emphasizing the powerful leadership of the women. It is recommended that people come to the meeting having already read the book.  One of Woods Hole’s delightful and zany ladies will be talking about some of her favorite words in a short program at the library on Saturday, August 24 at 4 p.m. San Lyman has lived in Woods Hole for decades surrounded by friends, family (including her Lineaweaver sons), and words, with a dictionary always open and ready. In recent years her “work” has turned to painting, no words, lots of color, also delightful. Some of her paintings are on view in her studio on Millfield Street; one is in the library’s collection. She thrums with her deep love for Woods Hole and its “quirky inhabitants,” in which she is happy to include herself. Come join the throng and listen to San’s words and catch some of her enthusiasm. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, check out the library’s website at, email a question at, or call the library at (508) 548-8961.





July 19, 2022 @ 12:00 am
August 24, 2022 @ 12:00 am