Upcoming Events
Week of Events
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Non-ideal Bubbly Drag Reduction
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Non-ideal Bubbly Drag Reduction
Sander Huisman, University of Twente Sponsored by: WHOI GFD Program - Walsh Cottage
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Towards Scalable Underwater Robots for 3D Reconstruction and Manipulation
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Towards Scalable Underwater Robots for 3D Reconstruction and Manipulation
Alberto Quattrini Li, Dartmouth College Sponsored by: AOP&E Department - Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference Room. If you wish to join virtually,…
Splash Lab
Independence Day Holiday (Institution closed)
Woods Hole Fourth of July Parade
Woods Hole Fourth of July Parade
Celebrating Sea life, science, and all things quirky! This annual, science-themed parade will begin at the entrance to WHOI’s parking lot located on School Street in Woods Hole, and will travel down Water Street, and end at Waterfront Park, 100 Water Street. This long-time Woods Hole tradition, organized by the Marine Biological Laboratory, brings students,…
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Internally Heated Convection with Rotation: Bounds and Scaling Laws
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Internally Heated Convection with Rotation: Bounds and Scaling Laws
Ali Arslan, ETH Zurich Sponsored by: WHOI GFD Program - Walsh Cottage
Tunes at Noon
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Preferential Flow-Melt Patterning in the Cryosphere
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program: Preferential Flow-Melt Patterning in the Cryosphere
Kasia Warburton, Dartmouth College Sponsored by: WHOI GFD Program - Walsh Cottage
Friday Evening Lecture Series – Glassman Lecture: Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Geometry, Physics and Biology
Friday Evening Lecture Series – Glassman Lecture: Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Geometry, Physics and Biology
L. Mahadevan, Harvard University This will be a hybrid seminar held in the Cornelia Clapp Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can register here: https://mbl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-n7_4GWdQ6iWVORIGe9nMg#/registration The Glassman Lecture is held in honor of the late Harold N. Glassman who left a generous bequest to the MBL which resulted in the establishment of the…