Puzzling over a mollusk mystery
What’s causing a contagious cancer to spread among clams?
An ocean of opportunity
Ocean experts explore the potential risks and rewards of ocean-based solutions to climate change
Can Clams and Oysters Help Clean Up Waterways?
Towns in Cape Cod are looking to shellfish not only as culinary treats, but as…
Jet Fuel from Algae?
New research shows a way to tap overlooked fats in marine algae to produce compounds…
Where Will We Get Our Seafood?
By 2030 or 2040, most seafood bought by Americans will be raised on a farm,…
New Regulations Proposed for Offshore Fish Farms
Newly proposed legislation to regulate large-scale fish farming in the oceans around the United States…
Should Eastern Oysters Be Put on the Endangered List?
Eastern oysters in Chesapeake Bay were not as happy as clams, and neither was Wolf-Dieter…
A Mysterious Disease Is Infecting Northeast Clam Beds
Scientists follow clues to the mysterious disease that is killing off clams on Cape Cod…
A Whole New Kettle of Fish
With most of the world?s fisheries already fully exploited or overexploited, the wild catch will…
Introducing…the Asian Oyster
As native oysters decline, officials seek to restore fishery with disease-resistant species “O Oysters,” said…
Down on the Farm…Raising Fish
Aquaculture, or fish farming, is changing how we think about one of our main sources…