Water Cycle
Creating synergy through art and science
A collaboration between the Art League of Rhode Island and WHOI scientists transforms abstract concepts into engaging perspectives on our ocean world.
A Rainfall Forecast Worth its Salt
WHOI scientist Ray Schmitt and sons take top prize in rainfall forecasting competition.
Can We Improve Monsoon Forecasts?
Scientists are exploring the ocean to gain new insights into forecasting the still-unpredictable monsoon rains…
Extreme Climate
Extreme climatic events such as unusually severe storms and droughts can have profound consequences for…
To Forecast Rain, Look to the Ocean
Ever since humans have existed on Earth, they have looked to the heavens to forecast…
Warming Ocean Drove Catastrophic Australian Floods
New research by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution physical oceanographer Caroline Ummenhofer and Australian scientists suggests…
Sea Science in the Space Age
South Asian monsoons bring huge amounts of fresh water into the Bay of Bengal. Summer…
The Retreat of the Gualas Glacier
Like many mountain glaciers, the Gualas Glacier in the Patagonian region of Chile has retreated…
River Quest
Max Holmes and Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink spend a lot of time upriver—one day bundled in a…
Storms, Floods, and Droughts
The source of the rain that filled your town reservoir, or flooded your nearby river,…
Calculating Evaporation from the Ocean
Illustration by Amy Caracappa-Qubeck, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Imagine you turn on the tap in…
The Hunt for 18° Water
In 1959, oceanographer Valentine Worthington gave a name and an identity to a long-observed but…
Water Flowing Underground
Groundwater discharge appears to be an important factor for determining the chemistry of the coastal…
If Rain Falls on the OceanDoes It Make a Sound?
As with similar questions about a tree in the forest or a grain of sand…