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Upcoming Events
MBL Seminar Series: The Role of Retinoic Acid Degradation in Patterning the Regenerating Axolotl Limb
Speck AuditoriumJames Monaghan, Northeastern University Sponsored by: MBL - Speck Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in the Speck Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can register here: https://mbl.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=4b336660-cad5-4d4e-a994-b26500d98448
Biology Department Seminar: Mapping the Microbial World Through Massive Phenotypic Screens and AI
Redfield Auditorium 45 Water Street, Woods HoleJared Kehe, Concerto Biosciences Sponsored by: Biology Department - Redfield Auditorium
Geodynamic Seminar Series: Icy Inverts: A look at the Recent Evolutionary History of Antarctic Marine Inverts as Revealed by Genomics
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLEKen Halanych, University of North Carolina Wilmington Sponsored by: DDVPSE - Clark 507