Upcoming Events
AOP&E Department Hybrid Seminar: Fine Scale Ocean Features Influence the Spatial Structure of a Coastal Marine Food Web
Jacquelyn Veatch, WHOI Sponsored by: AOP&E Department – Smith Conference Room This will be a hybrid seminar held in Smith Conference Room . If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/97634745714 Meeting ID: 976 3474 5714 Dial in: 646 558 8656
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: From Toxic Algae to Bivalve Larvae: Exploring Episodic Planktonic Events in the Warming Pacific Arctic with In-Situ Imagery
Evie Fachon, WHOI This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/97000865816 Meeting ID: 970 0086 5816 By phone: Find your local number: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/u/adIvMow3LQEvie Fachon, WHOI This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. If you wish to…
OVSN Hybrid Seminar: Recent Results and Future Opportunities for MINION Floats: Toward Distributed Lagrangian Observations Off the Biological Carbon Pump
Melissa Omand, URI Sponsored by: David Center/AVAST Social Hub This will be a hybrid seminar held in the David Center/AVAST Social Hub. If you wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/94320378588 (lunch will be available at 1:00 p.m. to those that attend in person)
It's time once again for the adults to come out and play with LEGOs! The library and Aquatic Brewing are joining forces again to bring you Bricks & Brews! The library provides the LEGO bricks and building challenges, Aquatic sells the beer, and you provide the building skill and ingenuity! Bricks & Brews will take…