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Extreme Machines

Spring 2021
( Vol. 56 No. 1 )

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Spock versus the volcano

Five hundred meters below the calm surface waters of the Aegean Sea off Santorini Island, Greece, lies an active submarine volcano. There, a decision-making robot equipped with artificial intelligence searches for life and danger.

Secrets in the dust

Scientists mine ancient dust from the ocean’s loneliest spot

Overhaul to take Alvin to greater extremes

Work on Iconic Sub Will Put 99% of The Ocean Floor Within Reach

Extreme Measures

THE OCEAN DOESN’T REVEAL ITS SECRETS EASILY. By observing natural phenomena, throwing instruments over the side of ships, and diving to ever-greater depths, humankind has gleaned an impressive understanding of…

Experts Explore the Edges

Daniel P. Zitterbart Assistant Scientist, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering In my group, we use remote sensing of animal behavior to understand more about ocean and ecosystem health. I am…

Falling in love with deep-sea parasites

At hydrothermal vents there are body-snatchers, intestinal hitchhikers, and chest-bursters, but something about them is still alluring to Lauren Dykman

Going the Distance

Unraveling the mysteries of the vast global ocean means entering some of the most remote and dangerous places on the planet.