Stephanie Murphy
Why Did the El Faro Sink?
WHOI deep-sea vehicles and scientists played critical roles in searching the seafloor and locating the…
Dropping a Laboratory into the Sea
Scientists at WHOI deploy moored robotic laboratories in the Gulf of Maine for long-term monitoring…
Call of the Whales
Robotic gliders equipped with acoustic monitoring devices can now eavesdrop on whales, enabling researchers to…
Do Oil and Corals Mix?
Scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) helped find strong evidence that the Deepwater Horizon…
Floats Reveal Unknown Ocean Pathways
Oceanographers have long known that the image they used to portray the oceans’ global circulation—called…
The WHOI Marine Mammal Center Is Born …
The WHOI Marine Mammal Center Is Born … A new center has been established at…
To Free a Tangled Whale
Scientists successfully used a new sedative delivery system for the first time on a large…
Susan Avery Takes the Helm at WHOI
With the first hints of autumn reaching Woods Hole last October, change of a different…
Ocean Observatories Initiative Poised to Launch
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) was awarded a $97.7 million grant to help build a…