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Scott Gallager

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Sea of Hazards

A Sea of Hazards

How ocean scientists are working to safeguard us from the perils of a changing ocean

Do Microplastics in the Ocean Affect Scallops?

Do Microplastics in the Ocean Affect Scallops?

WHOI scientist Scott Gallager is making field observations and conducting lab experiments to explore the possible effects of microplastics in the ocean on marine organisms.

Junk Food

Junk Food

An estimated eight million tons of plastics enter our oceans each year, yet only one percent can be seen floating at the surface. This is the third in a three-part series of stories about how…

Illuminating an Unexplored Undersea Universe

Illuminating an Unexplored Undersea Universe

Twenty-five years ago, the Hubble Telescope was launched to look out to the vast darkness of outer space. It captured thousands of images of previously unknown stars, galaxies, and clouds of matter, literally expanding the…

A New Eye on Deep-Sea Fisheries

A New Eye on Deep-Sea Fisheries

Imagine that officials charged with setting deer-hunting limits had to assess the herd’s abundance by flying over forests at night. That’s a little like what the National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) is up against to…



A towed underwater vehicle equipped with cameras, sonar, and sensors paints vivid portraits of life on the seafloor.

New Ways to Analyze Ocean Imagery

New Ways to Analyze Ocean Imagery

<!– –> Moore Foundation grant sparks ocean informatics initiative Over the past decade, ocean scientists have built underwater systems that have greatly expanded their capacity to collect images from under the sea. But the value…

Shellfish's Mysterious Pathways to Adulthood

Shellfish’s Mysterious Pathways to Adulthood

With a cool ocean breeze under a cloudless sky, children weave small sailboats through the channel. Larger boats scurry out of Waquoit Bay to fish in Nantucket Sound or spend a day at Martha’s Vineyard….

On the Trail of Microbes that Cause Seafood Poisoning...

On the Trail of Microbes that Cause Seafood Poisoning…

New 'Eyes' Size Up Scallop Populations

New ‘Eyes’ Size Up Scallop Populations

Part of the fun of fishing is never knowing exactly what might be swimming around beneath you. But that mystery is a major annoyance when it comes to keeping track of fish populations. Now, a…

Live From the Tropics, It's an Ocean Network

Live From the Tropics, It’s an Ocean Network

With a click of his computer mouse, Scott Gallager was swimming with the fishes off the west coast of Panama. Virtual reality? Well, the fish, corals, and currents are real; Gallager, however, is virtually there,…

Seafloor Reconnaissance Reveals Hidden Dangers Off Antarctica

Seafloor Reconnaissance Reveals Hidden Dangers Off Antarctica

For five frigid weeks in April and May 2005, a team of scientists and engineers sat in inflatable boats off the coast of the western Antarctic Peninsula, steering clear of sharp rocks and sea ice,…