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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is the world's premier independent organization dedicated exclusively to ocean research, technology, and education. We combine state-of-the-art science, engineering, and ship operations to unravel the mysteries of the deep and devise science-based solutions to planet-wide problems.

#Alvin pilot Valentine Wilson sits atop the deep-sea submersible shortly after a research trip to the Bahamas in 1966. His stylish #redberet was soon adopted as a badge of camaraderie among the members of the ALVIN group– perhaps a nod to the #redcap that Jacques Cousteau made famous.

📸 courtesy of #WHOI Archives © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

#Alvin60 #Throwback
⏳️TONIGHT! Find out how #oceancurrents move heat, nutrients + carbon around the globe– and how shifting currents affect life on land + sea.⁠
Join WHOI experts for our fun + informative live virtual series, #OceanEncounters, at 7:30pm (ET) 📲 Register at the 🔗 in our profile!


WHOI is at the forefront of groundbreaking science and technology development, unlocking the mysteries of our ocean, its connections to life on Earth, and solutions it may hold to some of our most pressing environmental challenges.

Our scientists and engineers lead more than 800 concurrent projects, tackling some of the most challenging and important problems of our time, from climate change and ocean pollution to sustainable food and energy production.

We operate a fleet of research vessels and vehicles, including two large ships (R/V Neil Armstrong and R/V Atlantis), a smaller coastal research vessel, the iconic human-occupied submersible Alvin, and dozens of other underwater robots.

Through our higher education programs, including the prestigious MIT-WHOI Joint Program, we train new generations of ocean scientists, engineers, and leaders-providing access to cutting edge facilities and unparalleled access to the sea.

WHOI plays a leading role in ocean communications, sharing our insights and knowledge about the ocean to the general public, policymakers, educators, and more, so we can make wise decisions about our ocean, our planet, and our future.


The ocean covers more than 2/3 of Earth's surface and is a fundamental reason why life exists on Earth-but yet many know so little about it. Dive in to learn more about our ocean planet.


For nearly a century, WHOI has been one of the best known and most trusted names in ocean science and exploration. Become a part of the research that shapes our understanding of the ocean, our planet, and life on Earth.