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John Collins

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Living on the edge

Living on the edge

Science faces off with an increasingly volatile coast

A REMUS-600 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) communicates with an ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) via a WHOI-developed optical modem link during lab testing. This link enables REMUS vehicles to act as "seismic data mules" whereby they offload data OBS stations without the need for ships or human intervention. (Photo by Dara Tebo, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Can seismic data mules protect us from the next big one?

Researchers look to new seafloor earthquake detection systems for better detection and warning of seismic risk

Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls

Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls

In November 2012, the California Coastal Commission met to consider a request by Pacific Gas and Electric to study a geologic fault that runs along the central California coast just 300 meters from the Diablo…

Plumbing the Plume That Created Samoa

Plumbing the Plume That Created Samoa

Matthew Jackson began his journey to the center of the Earth on lonely gravel roads in Montana. Uninterested in motorcycles and horses, and miles from neighbors and friends, Jackson roamed on his family’s 6,000-acre cattle ranch…