Ocean Tech
Seismic Studies Capture Whale Calls
In November 2012, the California Coastal Commission met to consider a request by Pacific Gas and Electric to study a geologic fault that runs along the central California coast just…
Rebuilding Alvin: Jefferson Grau
Since the beginning of 2011, Alvin, the U.S. science community’s only human-occupied submersible dedicated to…
What Is the Sound of 130 Wind Turbines Turning?
Federal officials examined a long list of potential impacts from the nation’s first offshore wind…
New Laboratory Opens at WHOI
Scientists and engineers began moving into the newest laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)…
The Boy in the Alvin Sphere
The titanium personnel sphere for the new deeper-diving Alvin submersible began undergoing a series of…
Beneath Arctic Ice, Life Blooms Spectacularly
Scientists have discovered a massive bloom of phytoplankton beneath ice-covered Arctic waters. Until now, sea…
In Search of the Pink and White Terraces
The dazzling Pink and White Terraces on the shores of Lake Rotomahana at one time…
The Quest to Map Titanic
Bill Lange was aboard Knorr in 1985 when the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution research vessel…
Searching for Life on the Seafloor
Smaller than a fingernail, like bits of downy red feathers, baby tubeworms cling to a…
The Ghost Mooring
Just before leaving for a long-awaited vacation, Scott Worrilow came in to work on a…
A Plume of Chemicals from Deepwater Horizon
Along with the torrent of hot gas and oil spewing from the bottom of the…
A Long Voyage to Get a New Ship
On a cold, blustery day in April 1997, hundreds of people swarmed Iselin Dock at…
Gliders Tracked Potential for Oil to Reach the East Coast
In the initial days of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, a spotlight shone on a little-known…
Building Them Tough, Bringing Them Back
Fifty years ago, on Dec. 11, 1960, a group of scientists, engineers, and technicians from…
New Ways to Analyze Ocean Imagery
<!– –> Moore Foundation grant sparks ocean informatics initiative Over the past decade, ocean scientists…
Volunteer Gets an Oceanful of Experience
<!– –> It’s two in the morning, and I’m watching a remotely operated vehicle, or…
Scientists Find that Squid Can Detect Sounds
The ordinary squid, Loligo pealii, is well known as a kind of floating buffet. “Almost…
Will More Acidic Oceans Be Noisier?
In 2008, a group of marine chemists raised a red flag: As the ocean becomes…