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Hanumant Singh

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A Smarter Undersea Robot

A Smarter Undersea Robot

Some say it is lethal to cats. WHOI scientists say it would be a boon for autonomous undersea robots.

The Jetyak

The Jetyak

Oceanographers are always looking for cost-effective vehicles to help them explore risky regions. Scientists at WHOI have developed one: a robotic platform called the Jetyak.

From Pac-Man to the Seafloor

From Pac-Man to the Seafloor

New Ways to Analyze Ocean Imagery

New Ways to Analyze Ocean Imagery

<!– –> Moore Foundation grant sparks ocean informatics initiative Over the past decade, ocean scientists have built underwater systems that have greatly expanded their capacity to collect images from under the sea. But the value…

Clara Smart

Clara Smart

Ask Clara Smart about her interests, and be prepared to receive a formidable list of hobbies and academic pursuits: photography, competitive cycling, knitting, English literature, the ocean, jazz, and robotics. Smart is an electrical engineer…

Turning a Toy into a Scientific Tool

Turning a Toy into a Scientific Tool

John Bailey spends most sunny weekends on a grassy field behind a movie theater on Cape Cod with a group of model airplane enthusiasts and their handmade creations. The hobbyists, fueled on passion and take-out…

Arctic Voyage Tests New Robots for Ice-covered Oceans

Arctic Voyage Tests New Robots for Ice-covered Oceans

In the summer of 2007, an international team led by scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution sailed to the Arctic Ocean aboard the Swedish icebreaker Oden. Their missions: to test new robotic vehicles designed for…

Gone Fish Assessing

Gone Fish Assessing

Scientists at WHOI are applying new technologies to help the National Marine Fisheries Services assess fish stocks and maintain critical habitats