Upcoming Events
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: The Impacts of Sponge-Derived DOM on Coral Reef Ecosystems
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MAAlicia Reigel, Appalachian State University Sponsored by: MC&G Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. For those that wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/91408176560
Physical Oceanography Department Hybrid Seminar: Seasonal Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Central and Southern California Current System: High-Resolution Observations from a Sustained Glider Network
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MAAlice Ren, WHOI (speaker will be remote) Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar located in Clark 507. If you would like to join, please email poseminar@whoi.edu for the Zoom link.
AOP&E Department Virtual Seminar: The Interactions Between Ocean, Ice Shelves and Sea Ice in the Amundsen Sea
Yixi Zheng, University of East Anglia Sponsored by: AOP&E Department This will be a virtual seminar. To join virtually, you can join here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/94677384644?pwd=Z0xvN20xWm02ZlI2aVhOWjMxUkZ4dz09 Meeting ID: 946 7738 4644 Passcode: 2AegV$ Dial in: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 946 7738 4644 Passcode: 776362
Biology Department Hybrid Seminar: Environmental Controls of Surface to Deep Ocean Coupling Through the Lens of Predators
Redfield Auditorium 45 Water Street, Woods Hole, MAMartin C. Arostegui, WHOI Sponsored by: Biology Department - Redfield Auditorium This will be a hybrid seminar held in Redfield Auditorium. For those that wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/99734669114 Meeting ID: 997 3466 9114 By phone: Find your local number: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/u/aby9Mf3Nv0
MC&G Department Hybrid Seminar: Exploring the Effect of Ferrihydrite and Green Rust on Metal and Phosphate Budgets in Ancient Marine Environments
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MASponsored by: MC&G Department - Clark 507 This will be a hybrid seminar held in Clark 507. For those that wish to join virtually, you can access the Zoom link here: https://whoi-edu.zoom.us/j/91408176560
Physical Oceanography Department Virtual Seminar: Observations and Models Hand in Hand – How Emergent Constraints Can Help to Improve Our Understanding of Ocean Circulation and its Impact on the Ocean Carbon Cycle
Clark 507 360 Woods Hole Road, WOODS HOLE, MAJens Terhaar, WHOI Sponsored by: Physical Oceanography Department - Clark 507