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Ocean Acidification

Disentangling influences on coral health

Physics Today

In a new study, Weifu Guo of WHOI and his colleagues have compiled records of existing and new skeletal growth of a stony, long-lived coral genus known as Porites to disentangle the competing effects.

Ocean acidification causing coral ‘osteoporosis’ on iconic reefs

Science Magazine

Scientists have long suspected that ocean acidification is affecting corals’ ability to build their skeletons, but it has been challenging to isolate its effect from that of simultaneous warming ocean temperatures, which also influence coral growth. New research from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) reveals the distinct impact that ocean acidification is having on coral growth on some of the world’s iconic reefs.


Panel delves into impact of ocean acidification

Cape Cod Times

The state commission tasked with studying ocean acidification and its regional impact — particularly in relation to the aquaculture industry — held its first meeting Friday in Woods Hole with a sobering presentation on the phenomenon.

Correction: Coral Death story

Associated Press - The Big Story

quotes Anne Cohen and mentions WHOI
also picked up by other news outlets: ABC News, U.S. News & World Report, Miami Herald, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Garden Island