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Mark Hahn

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How is human health impacted by marine plastics?

WHOI biologist Mark Hahn discusses a recent global plastics study

Microplastics in the Ocean – Separating Fact from Fiction

Microplastics in the Ocean – Separating Fact from Fiction

WHOI scientists weigh in on the state of marine microplastics science.

Particles on the Move

Particles on the Move

An MIT-WHOI Joint Program student investigates what happens to nanoplastics once they’re ingested by fish.

Junk Food

Junk Food

An estimated eight million tons of plastics enter our oceans each year, yet only one percent can be seen floating at the surface. This is the third in a three-part series of stories about how…

Decoding the Mystery Fish

Decoding the Mystery Fish

Few marine animals capture biologists’ imaginations more than the mysterious, almost mythical coelacanth, a 5-foot-long fish that was thought to have gone extinct in the age of dinosaurs-until a live one was found in 1938….

The Boy in the Alvin Sphere

The Boy in the Alvin Sphere

The titanium personnel sphere for the new deeper-diving Alvin submersible began undergoing a series of tests Tuesday in a pressurized tank at a facility in Annapolis, Md., to see how it reacts to pressures simulating…

Biochemical Warfare on the Reef

Biochemical Warfare on the Reef

Just beneath the tranquil, clear waters of the tropical Caribbean, unseen by all but a few keen-eyed divers, two foes have engaged in a life-and-death struggle every day for thousands of millennia. Their limestone battlefield…

The Chicken and the Tern

The Chicken and the Tern

WHOI scientists find that the dramatic difference comes down to three amino acids on a single protein.