Stephen Dye
Stephen Dye was brought up on the Isle of Wight off southern England
(probably most famous as the locale of the legenedary rock festival
where Jimi Hendrix played one of his last concerts, but also where the
eminent 17th-century scientist Robert
was born and raised). At the University of East Anglia, he found his
way back to the sea through physical oceanography and joined the Centre
for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science in Lowestoft in
1999. While his focus is never too far from the flows across the
Greenland-Scotland Ridge, he has become increasingly involved in the
more difficult challenge of explaining science to policy-makers and
marine managers through the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership
( He is a recent convert to geocaching, a hobby that
satisfies the twin urges for gadgets and the outdoors.