Scott Dodd
Scott Dodd could probably be considered a “landlubber,” but his
favorite places have always been near the water. As a kid, he lived
mainly in landlocked states—West Virginia, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania—but he did spend several years in Louisiana, where he developed a taste
for oysters and fried catfish. He loved taking trips on a family
friend’s shrimping boat, but they usually resulted in either
seasickness or scary encounters with a school of stingrays. Since
growing up, he has spent time biking along the Outer Banks, snorkeling
off the Florida Keys, and most recently, kayaking on the eastern shore
of Long Island.
As a newspaper reporter at The Charlotte Observer,
Scott wrote about rip currents, beach erosion, recovered Confederate
submarines, newly discovered shark species, and many other stories
related to the coasts of the Carolinas. He covered several destructive
hurricanes, including Katrina. In 2006, Columbia University offered him
a fellowship to study science writing, and he moved to New York City,
graduating in 2007 with a master of arts degree. He continued to
develop his specialization in writing about science and the environment
by participating in
the 2007 Ocean Science Journalism Fellowship at the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution.
Today, Scott works as a writer and Web editor for the Natural Resources
Defense Council and lives with his wife in Manhattan. If he sticks his
head out of their apartment window, he can sometimes see the boats
plying the Hudson River.
His portfolio can be found at