Richard C. Lewis

Richard Lewis has never stayed put for long. When he was 13, his parents uprooted him from his home in Houston, his friends, and his beloved sports (especially basketball) and moved his sister and him to Italy. Though he balked at the move, Lewis embraced a new (albeit old) world and has been curious about people and places ever since.
That curiosity led to jobs at the Saudi Arabian Embassy and the U.S. Congress and then to the Slovak Republic, where he taught English to middle schoolers in a remote village and later co-founded The Slovak Spectator, the country’s first and only English-language newspaper.
Returning stateside in 1998, Lewis joined a daily newspaper in Ames, Iowa, and after a brief stint, went to work for The Associated Press in Providence, R.I. It was at the AP that Lewis began to gravitate toward science and environmental reporting, and he covered all things science in southern New England, including the goings on at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Lewis earned a master’s degree in science journalism from the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University and has written about science and health for The Boston Globe, Reuters, and a variety of magazines. He is now the physical sciences writer for Brown University, teaches a journalism class at Rhode Island College, and continues to write and blog.
He and his wife, Michelle, live in Bristol, R.I., and are expecting their first child this fall.