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Margaret Boettcher

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Cartwheeling Grad Student Earns Panteleyev Award

Cartwheeling Grad Student Earns Panteleyev Award

Margaret Boettcher knows a fast stress reliever: turn upside down. “Handstands and cartwheels make people happy,” said Boettcher, who has taught fellow WHOI graduate students and postdoctoral researchers her relaxation methods—even on geology field trips…

Rambling Atop an Active Volcano to Detect Telltale Rumbling Within It

Rambling Atop an Active Volcano to Detect Telltale Rumbling Within It

With machete in hand and 60 pounds of satellite receiver and tripod on his back, Jeff Standish looked up into the lush tropical brush that covered the volcano, up a steep escarpment, and up again to the summit 3,000 feet above sea level. Then he turned to Rhea Workman, a graduate student in the WHOI/MIT Joint Program, and said, “We’re going up where?”