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Karl Helfrich

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The Waves Within the Waves

The Waves Within the Waves

If the 30-foot wave we were looking for had tumbled across the ocean’s surface that July day, it might have been mistaken for a monstrous rogue wave. But that’s not where this wave rolled. This…

As the World Turns and the Oceans Flow

As the World Turns and the Oceans Flow

Our planet is full of fascinating flowing fluids. Jack Whitehead has investigated all sorts of them around the globe—hardly ever leaving his laboratory. There’s the once-mysterious Alborán Gyre, for example, an unusual swirling current in…

The Ocean—Captured in a Box

The Ocean—Captured in a Box

Claudia Cenedese prides herself on thinking inside the box. Her boxes are made of Plexiglass, and they contain the oceans—but on a miniature scale. Most oceanographers make tiny observations in a vast ocean to piece…