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Joe Pedlosky

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chaulk board

Nature’s Language

Using applied math (and chalk) to understand the dynamic ocean

As the World Turns and the Oceans Flow

As the World Turns and the Oceans Flow

Our planet is full of fascinating flowing fluids. Jack Whitehead has investigated all sorts of them around the globe—hardly ever leaving his laboratory. There’s the once-mysterious Alborán Gyre, for example, an unusual swirling current in…

The Ultimate Fluid Environment for Scientists

The Ultimate Fluid Environment for Scientists

Fathoming the Ocean Without Ever Going to Sea

Fathoming the Ocean Without Ever Going to Sea

“The general circulation of the ocean is a massive and majestic phenomenon,” says WHOI physical oceanographer Joe Pedlosky. In 2005, Pedlosky was awarded the prestigious Sverdrup Gold Medal of the American Meteorological Society for his theories explaining the inner workings of the ocean and the atmosphere. Not bad for an oceanographer who has never gone on a research cruise.