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Elizabeth Halliday

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Art Meets Science in a Book called Bloom

Art Meets Science in a Book called Bloom

When conditions of light and nutrients align in the surface waters of the ocean, tiny single-celled algae called phytoplankton respond with explosive growth and reproduction in a phenomenon known as a phytoplankton bloom.

“As scientists looking […]

The Synergy Project

The Synergy Project

Back in my high school, and maybe yours too, kids naturally separated into cliques—jocks, punks, preppies, hippies, and at the extremes of the mythical left- and right-hemisphere brain spectrum, nerds and the artsy types. The […]

Beneath Arctic Ice, Life Blooms Spectacularly

Beneath Arctic Ice, Life Blooms Spectacularly

Scientists have discovered a massive bloom of phytoplankton beneath ice-covered Arctic waters. Until now, sea ice was thought to block sunlight and limit the growth of microscopic marine plants living under the ice.

The amount of […]

Testing the Waters and Closing Beaches

Testing the Waters and Closing Beaches

On a warm, tranquil evening this summer, Falmouth resident Annette Hynes took a friend down to Wood Neck Beach. It is one of Annette’s favorite local beaches, with a long, lovely shallow slope, a grassy […]