George Tupper
Born in Chicago and raised in Minnesota, George Tupper never saw the
ocean until he was 19. After discharge from the U.S. Air Force in
1967, he came to Woods Hole and made up for lost time by sailing an
average of two to three months per year for the rest of his career at
WHOI. Originally hired by the Buoy Group as a current meter technician,
he soon began designing surface and subsurface moorings and leading
Buoy Group cruises. Equally at home at a computer terminal or on the
fantail of a research ship, he continues on as a casual employee six
years after his retirement in 2001. In his leisure time, he flies small
airplanes and spends time with his wife, Betty.
A Mooring Built to Survive the Irminger Sea
The 330-foot Royal Research Ship James Clark Ross heaved in 20-foot seas southeast of Greenland.…