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Sheri White

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Five books WHOI researchers are reading right now

Ocean scientists don’t just read peer-reviewed papers to stay inspired. Some require less-obvious forms of reading to keep their minds sharp

A Pioneering Vision

A Pioneering Vision

In 2005, scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution devised a revolutionary plan: They would deploy about 150 scientific instruments in coastal waters south of Martha’s Vineyard to try to understand what makes that region of…

Remembering Knorr

After an iconic, 44-year career, the research vessel Knorr left the dock at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in March for the last time. It also left a place in the hearts of many who sailed on the ship or who had simply seen it in Woods Hole. A few of the people who watched it depart shared their memories of Knorr in this audio postcard.

Can't Bring Deep-sea Samples Up? Send a Lab Down.

Can’t Bring Deep-sea Samples Up? Send a Lab Down.

Much of what is surprising about the deep ocean results from the extraordinary conditions found there-frigid temperatures, crushing pressure, unusual chemical and biological processes, and the complete absence of sunlight. For those who study the…