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PEACH-y Project

PEACH-y Project

March 23, 2018

Gabriel Matthias (left) from the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography and WHOI senior engineering assistant Brian Hogue guide part of a mooring into the water from the research vessel Neil Armstrong during a PEACH (Process Driving Exchange at Cape Hatteras) expedition in January 2018. The yellow plastic housing is designed to sit on the seafloor and prevent fishing gear from catching on sensors inside. It contains an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to measure current velocity and direction as well as instruments to record salinity and temperature throughout its nine-month deployment. The goal of the PEACH project is to identify the processes that control the exchange of water between the continental shelf and the open ocean along the eastern U.S. (Photo by Joleen Heiderich, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)


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