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Doing the Honors

Doing the Honors

Dean and Vice President for Academic Programs Jim Yoder does the honors in dedicating a new dormitory on WHOI’s Quissett Campus. The dorm contains 35 beds spread among 18 […]

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Keep Away

Keep Away

What looks like a curtain of Mardi Gras beads hung in a doorway is actually something to strike fear in the heart of any fish swimming nearby. These are the […]

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Scanning the Deep Earth

Scanning the Deep Earth

WHOI scientist Veronique LeRoux places a sample of porous lava into a Skyscan 1272 CT, an imaging system that creates three-dimensional views of physical samples that it scanns. LeRoux is a geologist […]

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Eyes Above

Eyes Above

Galapagos swallow-tailed gulls soar above R/V Atlantis during a 2010 expedition near the Galapagos Islands. The unusual birds, the only fully nocturnal gulls and seabirds in the world, flocked […]

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High and Dried

High and Dried

Christine Chen examines stony deposits called tufas on an ancient lakeshore in the central Andes Mountains, northern Chile. Chen, a graduate student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, visited there […]

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What’s There?

What's There?

For decades, one of the driving forces behind much of WHOI’s success in exploring the ocean has been the close association between its scientists and engineers. Here, research engineer Read More

Ten Years Later

Ten Years Later

In 2006, WHOI launched Image of the Day. Since then, nearly 4,000 images have graced the home page highlighting WHOI researchers, expeditions, and discoveries. This is the very first image […]

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Small Bloom Expected

Small Bloom Expected

Alexandrium fundyense is the algae notorious for producing a toxin that accumulates in shellfish and can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning in humans. This organism swims in the water and divides […]

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