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Mercury cycle illustration

Mercury cycles from Earth’s crust to the air to the ocean and back to land. In the ocean, top predator fish such as tuna and swordfish contain high levels of […]

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Illustration of a subsea oil seep

About one-half of the oil in the ocean comes from natural oil seeps. Marine chemist and Coastal Ocean Institute Director Chris Reddy studies oil that is naturally seeping into the […]

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Illustration of DMON buoy system

The buoy, stretch hose, bottom node, DMON, and whale detection software were developed by engineers and scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (Illustration by Wildlife Conservation Society and Dr. […]

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Illustration of sperm whale path

Illustration showing path of a sperm whale diving and surfacing, with indications of sounds made by the whale. (Illustration by Jack Cook, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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Illustration of subsea asphalt volcano

Extensive faulting or rupturing in the Earth around Santa Barbara allows oil and gas from subterranean reservoirs to seep up to the seafloor and sometimes ultimately reach the ocean and […]

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Illustration showing the carbon exchange cycle

In various forms, carbon is continuously exchanged between Earth’s atmosphere, and, and water—an essential cycle for life and regulating the planet’s climate. Atmospheric carbon dioxide readily dissolves in the ocean’s […]

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