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The Next Mining Frontier?

The Next Mining Frontier?

Hydrothermal vents deep on the seafloor spew chemical-rich fluids that sustain lush communities of deep-sea life. They also form rich deposits of valuable minerals, including metals and rare-earth elements […]

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Whale of a Web

Whale of a Web

Tomorrow is World Whale Day. WHOI post-doctoral researcher Randelle Bundy took this photo of an orca during a cruise off the coast of Antarctica to look at something on the […]

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Filter Feeders

Filter Feeders

Woods Hole Sea Grant Extension Agent Joshua Reitsma samples oysters at a farm site in Pleasant Bay in Orleans, Mass. Towns on Cape Cod are looking increasingly to shellfish […]

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Inside A New Communications System

Inside A New Communications System

WHOI research engineer Lee Freitag, aboard the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy, displays the electronics that is part of a long-range sound-based communication and navigation system that he and a team […]

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Fine Fellow

Fine Fellow

Former WHOI Summer Student Fellow and current MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Benjamin Urann (left) and his mentor, WHOI geologist Henry Dick, examine slabs cut from rocks collected during a […]

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To Boldly Go

To Boldly Go

The hybrid remotely operated vehicle Nereid Under Ice (HROV NUI) returns from a dive to the deck of the icebreaker Polarstern in October of last year. WHOI senior scientist […]

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Dance Against Guff

Dance Against Guff

This year, as in years past, members of the WHOI staff joined with Falmouth High School students and local videographer Brian Switzer to speak out against bullying in the annual […]

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Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions

At the ocean surface, heat and energy is exchanged between the air above and the water below. Every day, the sun rises and warms a thin layer of surface water. […]

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Branching Out

Branching Out

In two months, young kelp less than 1 millimeter long (left) will grow nearly one foot (right) and, in six months, will be over six feet and ready for harvest. […]

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Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice

When the WHOI-operated research vessel R/V Atlantis (right) docked in Manzanillo, Mexico, at the end of December, to prepare for its current cruise to explore the Pito Deep, it […]

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Tower of Power

Tower of Power

Divers prepare to attach an instrument to the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) air-sea interaction tower. The MVCO is a research and engineering facility operated by WHOI to […]

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Undersea Acoustics

Undersea Acoustics

The marks on this figure are acoustic traces, the visual representations of underwater sounds recorded at sea sometime around 1960. Sounds such as these interfered with the U.S. Navy’s ability […]

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