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Jim Ryder, a senior engineering assistant at WHOI, inspects components of a mooring and buoy that have been biofouled—that is, coated with algae, barnacles, or other gripping organisms. Biofouling […]

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An Admiral’s Visit

An Admiral's Visit

Rear Admiral (ret.) Mike Manazir (far right) and staff visited WHOI last month to tour labs and talk with WHOI scientists about their undersea research and technology development. The tour […]

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Sunset Sampling

Sunset Sampling

Researchers aboard R/V Neil Armstrong launch a conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) sensor during an April expedition off the coast of Cape Hatteras, N.C., where shallow-water currents collide with […]

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Who Grows There?

Who Grows There?

WHOI postdoctoral scholar Kirstin Meyer (left) collects plastic monitoring panels that have been hanging in the water off the WHOI pier, with help from guest student Nicole Pittoors (right) […]

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Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting

The rear deck of R/V Neil Armstrong was full of gear—including these 7,700-pound mooring anchors—as the ship left on a recent three-week cruise to recover and deploy instruments at […]

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Lunch Buffet

Lunch Buffet

WHOI research assistant David Bailey checks the algae used to feed shellfish larvae that he grows in WHOI’s Environmental Systems Lab. The shellfish are used by biologist Scott Lindell […]

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Welcome Aboard

Welcome Aboard

A delegation from the Consulate General of Japan in Boston toured WHOI’s research vessel Atlantis on a recent visit to WHOI: Consul General Rokuichiro Michii, Consul Mari Fujii, researcher and […]

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A Team Effort

A Team Effort

The new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Clio is the first AUV specifically designed to collect both biological and chemical samples from the ocean. The project’s principal investigators—engineers Mike Jakuba […]

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A Current Collaboration

A Current Collaboration

Josh Woodrow, third mate on the WHOI research vessel Neil Armstrong, takes physical oceanographer Harvey Seim (right) and researcher Sara Haines of the University of North Carolina at Chapel […]

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A New View

A New View

A new underwater imaging system developed by WHOI’s Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory is being tested at submerged shipwreck sites in the U.S. and Europe. The technology enables the rapid […]

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Wee Herring

Wee Herring

These are tiny larvae of river herring. Herring used to run up coastal streams in far great numbers in springtime, returning from the ocean to spawn in fresh water. […]

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Triple Duty

Triple Duty

R/V Neil Armstrong chief mate Derek Bergeron, second mate Mike Singleton, and third mate Josh Woodrow (left to right) monitor nearby boat traffic as Woodrow steers up the Hudson […]

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