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Plates Collide

When two plates carrying continents collide, the continental crust buckles and rocks pile up, creating towering mountain ranges. The Himalayas were born when the Indian subcontinent smashed into Asia 45 […]

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Plates Separate

The Mid-Ocean Ridge and rift valleys, such as the one that runs through eastern Africa, occur along boundaries where plates are spreading apart. New oceanic crust is created as the […]

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Plates Slide

Plates grinding past each other in opposite directions create faults called transform faults. Powerful earthquakes often strike along these boundaries. The San Andreas Fault is a transform plate boundary that […]

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Plates Subduct

When an ocean plate collides with another ocean plate or with a plate carrying continents, one plate will bend and slide under the other. This process is called subduction. A […]

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A Krill’s Life Cycle

A KRILL’S LIFECYCLE—Krill start life as eggs that sink and hatch in spring. They develop through larval stages as they swim back to the surface, reaching the fourth (furcilia) stage […]

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Rainfall prediction illustration

Top: Winds evaporate water from the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean, leaving behind high levels of salinity during the spring. The exported moisture makes its way to the African Sahel, where […]

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Microbial “Trojan horses” stages

Ingested, but not digested.
Stages: 1) A unicellular organism, or protist, uses hairlike cilia to push assorted bacteria into its oral groove. Ingested bacteria are collected in food vacuoles— specialized […]

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Microbial Life Tree

A COMPLEX TREE OF LIFE—Microbes are living archives of Earth’s evolutionary history. The discovery of a great variety of deep-sea microorganisms (using diverse metabolic strategies to live in diverse habitats) […]

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Monsoon circulation cycle

Used in Oceanus magazine, Vol. 53, No. 2, pg. 40.
Image Of the Day caption:
WHOI scientists are working in the Indian Ocean to gain new insights into forecasting monsoons, […]

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