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Riding High

Riding High

Kristy Aller and Jenny White use a personnel carrier to collect samples of newly formed pancakeice in Marguerite Bay, Antarctica, for primary production analysis aboard the Nathaniel B. Palmer during the…

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Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

The submersible Alvin is framed by its launch/recovery system in a stern view of R/V Atlantis during a cruise off San Diego near San Clemente Island to study seafloor formation.…

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Marine Forensics

Marine Forensics

Michael Moore prepares a 12-foot Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) for a necrospy at the new necropsy/CT scanning facility at WHOI for forensic studies to try to determine what may have caused…

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Gulf Stream Glider

Gulf Stream Glider

Senior Scientist Breck Owens, aboard the R/V Henry Stommel from the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, downloads data from the Spray glider after its first successful crossing of the Gulf Stream.…

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View from the Top

View from the Top

WHOI geochemist Ken Sims and climber Dennis Jackson overlooking Masayavolcano in Nicaragua. By gathering gas samples from volcanoes worldwide, Sims is exploring how Earth is evolving and how volcanic gases cause climate…

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A Celebration to Remember

A Celebration to Remember

Marine Biologist Rudy Scheltema pauses during a climb of a volcanic crater on Deception Island two years ago. Rudy recently celebrated his 80th birthday during a research expedition to Antarctica…

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Skilled Hands

Skilled Hands

Carl Johnson runs a sample in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer, part of the WHOI Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry Facility. The facility provides specialized, state-of-the-art analytical services for marine…

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On Top of the World

On Top of the World

Rick Krishfield prepares a mooring for deployment in the Arctic Ocean, part of circulation and climate studies for the Beaufort Gyre Exploration Project. The field program began in 2002 and…

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Coring for Clues

Coring for Clues

A diver collects a sample from a coral in Honduras for climate studies. The coring does not harm the colony, which continues to grow. (Photo by Konrad Hughen, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting

Helicopter pilot Christopher Swannell transfers mooring gear to the research site in the Arctic during the Beaufort Gyre Observing System expedition in 2005. (Photo by Chris Linder, Woods Hole Oceanographic…

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Colorful Collectors

Colorful Collectors

Researchers retrieve a “holey sock” drogue (blue cyclinder) and an antenna unit from a second trap (orange/yellow device) near Hawaii during the VERTIGO experiment. The results will help improve computer…

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All Together Now

All Together Now

Scientists and crew aboard the research vessel Knorr recover a sediment core from the seafloor during a cruise off the U.S. East Coast. Cores provide evidence of changes in the…

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Hardhat Heaven

Hardhat Heaven

A pile of yellow hardhats, which cover glass spheres and are used as flotation on moorings, cover the fantail of the USCG icebreaker Healy. (Photo by Chris Linder, Woods Hole…

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Stars of the Sea

Stars of the Sea

A brisingid or seastar rests on an East Pacific Rise lava formation at a depth of 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles). These filter feeders hold their arms aloft in the water…

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Data Delivery

Data Delivery

Dan Torres extracts data collected by acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCPs) aboard ship. Scientists use the instrument to measure how fast water is moving across an entire water column. (Photo by…

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Culturing Coral

Culturing Coral

MIT/WHOI Joint Program student Michael Holcomb checks on corals he is growing in the lab to test the low temperature limit of coral growth. Low temperature corals are likely to…

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Free Ride

Free Ride

A large starfish hitches a ride on a ship’s anchor. (Photo by Chris Linder, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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Getting Organized

Getting Organized

John Kemp organizes lines on the fantail of the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker (USCG) Healy during an Arctic Ocean cruise. (Photo by Chris Linder, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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Trains, Boats and Planes

Trains, Boats and Planes

The village of Woods Hole, one of eight villages in the Town ofFalmouth, Massachusetts, is shown here circa 1948. Trains, visible atbottom where the Steamship Authority terminal now stands, brought many visitors…

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Arctic Explorer

Arctic Explorer

Hanu Singh prepares Jaguar, a new autonomous underwater vehicle being built for use under the Arctic ice, for a dock test in Woods Hole.  A preliminary cruise is planned next…

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Up in Smoke

Up in Smoke

A chimney-like structure called a black smoker on the East Pacific Rise at 9°N spews water superheated to more than 600°F. The sample basket and a manipulator arm on the…

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Birds Beware

Birds Beware

Will Ostrom prepares to install the bird deflectors onto the Gumbymoor buoy. Meteorological and other instruments atop the moorning, anchored to the seafloor, can be damaged by birds landing on…

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The Beat Goes On

The Beat Goes On

Bill Jenkins (left) is the third director of the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator MassSpectrometer (NOSAMS) facility, established in 1989 at WHOI to provide radiocarbon analysis (principally carbon-14 dating) of marine sediments…

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Close Encounter

Close Encounter

MIT/WHOI Joint Program students and staff hiked Mount Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii in June 2004 to study the island’s origin and active volcanism. A lava tube, about…

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