Multimedia Items
Northern Light
WHOI Research Specialist Jim Broda captured this view of the sunset over the Arctic Ocean, as viewed from USCG icebreaker Healy while it was approaching the North Pole. In September…
Read MoreAdventures with Jason
The ROV Jason II and Robert Fuhrmann look on as Mount Tavurvur belches ash. The photo was taken from the deck of R/V Melville as it left Rabaul, Papua New…
Read MoreThe Big Yellow Ball
Researchers and crew on the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Pierre Radisson prepare to deploy a flotation sphere that is part of a sub surface mooring in Hudson Strait. The Arctic…
Read MoreDrilling of a Different Sort
John Kemp (standing) with Kris Newhall prepare to drill a hole in the ice in the Beaufort Sea to test ice-melting equipment used to extract instruments frozen in the ice.…
Read MoreBeneath the Surface
WHOI Guest Students Catherine Carmichael (left) and Emily Peacock (from the Boston University Marine Program) collect samples at the site of the 1974 oil spill in Winsor Cove of North…
Read MoreTricky Business
John Kemp is lowered by the ship’s crane to hook a group of floats, as part of the Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Experiment in 2005. A 4,000-meter (13,123-foot) mooring was retrieved…
Read MoreIt’s Just a Fluke
The fluke of a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) creates its own waterfall. Researchers get up close and personal with whales while tagging them with harmless transmitters for studies of the…
Read MoreLighting the Way
This artist’s concept shows the “deep-sea light post” alongside the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Jason (left) near a black smoker vent on the ocean floor. The light post uses a…
Read MoreClean Room
Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink (foreground) and Summer Student Fellow Jared Singer work in the new PicoTrace Clean Lab, used for the most challenging trace element and inorganic isotope analyses. The lab is…
Read MoreSister Ships
R/V Oceanus (foreground), operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and R/V Endeavor, operated by the University of Rhode Island, await loading at WHOI’s Iselin Pier. The third sister ship is…
Read MoreDeep-sea Photo Mosaicing
Imaging large areas in the deep sea. Originally published online January 1, 2006
Read MorePhoto Opportunity
Graduate Student Brenna McLeod takes advantage of a brief moment of “shore leave” on Peterman Island, Antarctica, to visit with the locals. The icebreaker Laurence M. Gould (background) stopped at…
Read MoreA Closer Look
Geochemist Meg Tivey studies a sample of a hydrothermal vent chimney, looking for clues to its mineral content and how the rock was formed. (Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole…
Read MoreHands On
WHOI Summer Student Fellows Noah Planavsky and Nicholas Jachowski learn seafloor sediment coring techniques from Bruce Tripp on the R/V Tioga. (Photo by Jayne Doucette, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Read MoreIn the Lap of Lava
Geologist Adam Soule sits on his throne of lava in Hawaii. The formation has been built by two decades of volcanic activity: Lava streams down the cliff in narrow pahoehoe…
Read MoreTyphoon Alley
Graduate student Jon Woodruff opens a sediment core collected in August 2006 from a coastal lagoon on the remote Japanese island of Kamikoshiki. The lagoon contains material deposited during intense…
Read MoreCalypso Calls
Jacques Cousteau’s M/V Calypso calls at the WHOI dock, circa 1959. Bigelow Laboratory is at rear center, Smith Laboratory atright. Cousteau had a long association with the Institution andthe late Director Paul…
Read MoreFinding the Way
Summer Student Fellows learn navigational techniques from Captain Ken Houtler on the bridge of the coastal research vessel Tioga. (Photo by Jayne Doucette, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Read MoreSongs At Sea
During a 1957 cruise aboard Yamacraw, shipmates gather to make music. WHOI leased the former Navy and Coast Guard Yamacraw ship during 1957-1958 to make eleven cruises in the North…
Read MoreLooking Back
A sediment core on the deck of R/V Atlantis, circa 1956. Cores provide clues to historical changes in climate, circulation patterns, volcanic eruptions, and other events recorded on the seafloor.…
Read MoreAll Arms
“Most octopuses will let you get close, maybe even touch them, but normally they’ll try to run once the manipulator gets close,” said Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott, of his encounter…
Read MoreSunset Science
Frank Bahr deploys a conductivity/temperature/density instrument, or CTD, from the coastal research vessel Tioga off the New Jersey coast during a recent experiment. The instrument measures water temperature, salinity (salt…
Read MoreHeavy Handling
The handling system for the new long core sampler was recently installed on R/V Knorr at the WHOI dock. The system, able to collect sediment cores up to 165 feet…
Read MoreUrban microbes
Research Specialist Mark Dennett of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Assistant Research Scientist Linda Amaral-Zettler of the Marine Biological Laboratory deploy a sonde (a sensor to collect water column data)…
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