Multimedia Items
Night Spins
In the middle of a summer night, researchers working from the research vessel Oceanus deploy a sampling sled to detect chemical tracers that helped them track how an eddy mixes…
Read MoreThe Descent of Alvin
In forty years of operation, the deep submergence vehicle Alvin has evolved and changed its look several times (oldest version at the top right, current version at bottom left, and a…
Read MoreFrom Outer Space to Inner Space
History will be made today with the placement of one of the most extreme long-distance calls this side of a Moon landing. WHOI marine biologist Tim Shank–diving in Alvin on…
Read MoreSeafloor Oasis
The skeleton of a dead whale was intentionally sunk off the coast of San Diego in order to study how “whale falls”–when whales die at sea and drop to the…
Read MorePlugged In
Scientists and technicians, working on the fantail of the coastal research vessel Tioga, deploy an undersea “node” near the Air-Sea Interaction Tower of the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory. The nodes…
Read MoreLooking out for the crew
Ship steward Judith Joncas peers out from a porthole of the Canadian icebreaker Louis St-Laurent. Stewards are often the morale builders of a research cruise, and Joncas kept the crew…
Read MoreFeeding Time
A humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) takes a gulp of water and fish, while tiny sandlances jump out of its mouth. The sandlance, commonly known as a “sand eel,” is a…
Read MoreIce Flow
Working off the coast of Baffin Island (in the Canadian Arctic), the WHOI-operated research vessel Knorr backs up to an iceberg to retrieve a piece of equipment for the University…
Read MoreCenter Stage
Engineering tech Andy Billings (left) and Alvin pilot Anthony Tarantino finish securing the submersible on the deck of the research vessel Atlantis. Next week, researchers diving in Alvin will make…
Read MoreHigh and Dry
The WHOI research vessel Knorr is raised into the Atlantic Dry Dock in Jacksonville, Florida, in March 2005. All ships in the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS)—of which WHOI is…
Read MoreThe Future’s So Bright…Gotta Wear Shades
Tinted glasses and a darkened classroom helped fourth graders at a school in Falmouth, Mass., experience how bright red fish exploit their colors and the lack of light to avoid…
Read MoreCurious Creature
Cardiapoda, a shell-less mollusk, was photographed in the Sargasso Sea in the western North Atlantic during a Census of Marine Zooplankton (CMarZ) cruise in 2006. (Photo by Laurence Madin, Woods Hole…
Read MoreYoung Tyke Meets the Old Man of the Sea
The new Sentry autonomous underwater vehicle meets the submersible Alvin during a testing expedition off Bermuda in April 2006. Sentry is a robotic underwater vehicle used for exploring the deep…
Read MoreSmiles at Sea
Summer Student Fellows and Minority Student Fellows enjoy a sampling trip onboard the 60-foot coastal research vessel Tioga. The fellowships, awarded to science and engineering students who have completed their…
Read MoreSulfur Springs Eternal
MIT/WHOI graduate students and faculty explored a bubbling, sulfur-encrusted hot spring in June 2006 during an educational field trip to Iceland. The trip capped WHOI’s Geodynamcs Program, a semester of…
Read MoreStar of Wonder
WHOI volunteer Rich Minor shares a starfish specimen with a young student from the Perkins School for the Blind. A group from the school toured WHOI in the fall of…
Read MoreCore Cookie Cutting
Stainless steel “core catchers” are fresh off the production line. These hand-made fabrications are inserted in the bottom of various sediment coring devices. They open up when the core pipe…
Read MoreIndoor Fishing
Summer Student Fellow Thiago Martins-Parente, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), removes scup from a holding tank in the recently renovated wet lab in Redfield Laboratory. The…
Read MoreSea of White
Ice covered much of the Arctic Ocean during the Beaufort Gyre experiment expedition of 2006. Research at both the North and South Polar Regions will be a focus of the…
Read MoreFarming in the Ocean
Will Ostrom (blue hard hat), a senior engineering assistant in the WHOI Department of Physical Oceanography, and Joe Alvernes, a crewmember of the fishing vessel Nobska, scrape mussels from a…
Read MorePreserving the Plants
Dick Backus, a WHOI scientist emeritus and curator emeritus of the Herbarium at the Marine Biological Laboratory/WHOI Library, works on identifying another plant specimen with Pam Polloni, acting curator. The…
Read MoreTop Deck
The WHOI-operated research vessel Knorr rests at a dock in Nuuk, Greenland in October 2006, with a Danish naval vessel alongside. Delivered to WHOI in 1968, Knorr has traveled more…
Read MoreMud bath
When Mark Spear stepped out of the submersible Alvin as WHOI’s newest deep-sea pilot, fellow pilot Gavin Eppard greeted him with a traditional baptism on the deck of R/V Atlantis.…
Read MorePages to read before I sleep
There must be an ideal scientists’ office…where all of the textbooks, journals, research reports, and data sets are neatly filed away. But that is probably a mathematical improbability… (Besides, how…
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